Latest Registrations

  • N/A
  • British Heart Foundation
  • Auto Trader
  • Auto Trader
  • WPE Productions Limited
  • WPE Productions Limited
  • TheMad4Company Limited
  • Insanity
  • MSZ Brands
  • 5 Panels
  • NatWest
  • NatWest
  • Mapbox
  • Jackie A
  • @addieadessy
  • Dante Media (Love and London, Love and Paris)
  • Dante Media (Love and London, Love and Paris)
  • Cowprintdanny
  • Cowprintdanny
  • Summer

Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Guidance

Why do we need diversity, equity and inclusion guidance?

We are exceptionally proud to have worked with some of the leading digital marketing companies from around the globe over the last 15 years. During that time we, like many event organisers, have faced numerous challenges when it comes to equal representation with our live content.

Struggles not limited to, but including; companies submitting the same speakers year on year, all non-inclusive panels submitted, non-progressive topic speaker submissions, and reluctance from nervous or inexperienced presenters in putting themselves forward, in spite of the fact that they have great insights to share.

We feel that as an industry, we are all responsible for progressive change. Therefore, in addition to our own efforts, we want to reach out to ask you to help us improve the diversity and inclusion at, not just our own, but all industry events.

What do we mean by diversity, equity and inclusion?

As an event organiser, our goal is to be genuinely inclusive by seeking active participation by all individuals regardless of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, industry experience, physical or mental disability, age, education or religion.

We’ve also supported wider industry initiatives including Turn The Talk and have programmed rapid-fire slots for new speakers to have their say.

Help us to help you!

The conversation around diversity is constantly changing and evolving, and in order for us to continue being your industry event, we need your help!

We want to make sure that we are getting it right. If you are unhappy with something eg. a piece of terminology or another aspect of our event we would love to hear your thoughts to enable us to facilitate change.

The Hello Partner Team

Mollie Leach

Conference Producer



23 OCTOBER 2025

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